Monday, 23 August 2010

Your Big Year travel competition welcomes Trek Lovers :)

If you're mad about travel and haven't seen this totally awesome competition yet - then get y'self signed up - it sounds amazing! A trip of a lifetime is on offer - check it out and register with the following ID code 20737 and then get your mates to sign up to help improve your chances of winning. So what you waiting for?! Register for Your Big Year

Have fun and good luck!!

Tuesday, 10 August 2010

Going for Gold!

The British Travel Awards 2010 website is now open for voting and this year Trek America have been nominated for two awards:
  • Best special interest/adventure tour operator
  • Best tour operator to the USA
Trek America won the Silver Award for Best special interest/adventure tour operator last year and with your help they can win Gold this year - they already have my vote.

Find out more on the Trek website